Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2011 2012 2013

Details for Mechanism ID: 13537
Country/Region: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Year: 2013
Main Partner: Program for Appropriate Technology in Health
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $0

Objective: Improve management of TB/HIV co-infected patients in supported provinces and cities.

TB 2015 will continue capacity-building activities for joint TB/HIV planning, monitoring, and evaluation; scale-up active TB case finding in people living with HIV/AIDS; support HIV counseling and testing in TB patients, cotrimoxazole preventative therapy, referral of HIV+ patients to treatment services, and TB infection control in health facilities and congregate settings. Specifically, TB 2015 will continue supporting quarterly and annual coordination meetings between the TB and HIV programs and their partners at the national and provincial levels; facilitate roll-out of the TB Screening Checklist to PLWHA and Referral Forms; quality HIV testing and counseling services, as well as re-activate any relevant support groups. TB 2015 will also continue the roll-out and training of health providers on the national Infection Control guidelines and corresponding job aids.

Particularly, TB 2015 will strengthen integrated TB-HIV services in the 30 existing sites (7 in Bukavu, 4 in Mbujimayi, 5 in Kananga, 4 in Tshikapa, 1 in Kinshasa, 3 in Lubumbashi, 1 in Kisangani, 2 in EQE, 2 in Maniema and 1 in Sankuru. With availability of funds, TB 2015 plans to increase the number of sites at 35 with 5 more sites in interventions areas.

We will reach 35 sites with TB/HIV integrated activities by the end of september 2013. In other hand, TB 2015 will ensure synergies and leverage opportunities with other partners like ProVIC and MSH for further scale-up of TB-HIV activities. As the funding for this component is from PEPFAR, TB 2015 will collaborate on relevant PEPFAR reporting.

Funding for Care: TB/HIV (HVTB): $0

By using carrying-over funds, TB 2015 will continue capacity-building activities for joint TB/HIV planning, monitoring, and evaluation; scale-up active TB case finding in people living with HIV/AIDS; support HIV counseling and testing in TB patients, cotrimoxazole preventative therapy, referral of HIV+ patients to treatment services, and TB infection control in health facilities and congregate settings. Specifically, TB 2015 will continue supporting quarterly and annual coordination meetings between the TB and HIV programs and their partners at the national and provincial levels; facilitate roll-out of the TB Screening Checklist to PLWHA and Referral Forms; quality HIV testing and counseling services, as well as re-activate any relevant support groups. TB 2015 will also continue the roll-out and training of health providers on the national Infection Control guidelines and corresponding job aids.

TB 2015 will strengthen integrated TB-HIV services in the 30 existing sites (7 in Bukavu, 4 in Mbujimayi, 5 in Kananga, 4 in Tshikapa, 1 in Kinshasa, 3 in Lubumbashi, 1 in Kisangani, 2 in EQE, 2 in Maniema and 1 in Sankuru. With availability of funds, TB 2015 plans to increase the number of sites at 35 with 5 more sites in interventions areas.

We will reach 35 sites with TB/HIV integrated activities by the end of september 2013. Main activities:

1. Support coordination of TB/HIV activities at national and provincial levels

2. Strengthen national capacity to plan, manage, and evaluate TB/HIV activities.

3. Strengthen and scale up integration of TB and HIV services at health facility level

4. Ensure adequate commodities and commodity management to supported sites.

5. Introduce infection prevention and control at facility level in high-risk settings.

6. Increase case-finding and provide support to HIV-positive individuals through community-based outreach services.

7. Support laboratory strengthening and plan for introduction of new diagnostic technologies that can increase TB case-finding in HIV-positive individuals.

Subpartners Total: $0
Management Sciences for Health: NA
Key Issues Identified in Mechanism
Increase gender equity in HIV prevention, care, treatment and support